What cause acne to appear$%: This is the question that plays in the mind of acne sufferers. First and foremost, you must understand what is causing your acne and find out your skin type.
This article mainly focuses on how you can determine what are the possible cause of acne. Not many people know that the skin is the largest organ in our body. Acne problems are just the tip of the iceberg.
If you have oily facial skin, do not use cleanser with high oil contents. Common misconception among the majority is that you do not need to moisturize your face if you have oily skin. You'll have to know that your skin requires moisture and oil will not substitute.
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Over the counter product are the most commonly consisting of topical product. These are acne treatment products which are applied directly onto your acne. Sometime, medications are applied directly on the problem spot. These types of product are known as topical treatment. Excess dirt, oil and bacteria are the primary cause of acne. Remove them and you'll get rid of acne more readily. Apart from topical acne treatment, there are those that are prescribed orally. Before deciding which product is best suited for you, first you must understand what the cause of acne is.
When you see a teen with acne problems it comes as no surprise to associate acne problems with hormones production. Teenagers suffer most from hormonal changes in their bodies that can cause acne breakouts. Premenstrual cycle and even menopause episode is a trigger for hormonal changes in adult that can also cause acne condition. Testosterone is another hormonal culprit that can cause acne breakouts in adult male. Testosterone is another well known hormone that cause acne problems
The production of skin oil may vary from person to person. The oil formation cause your skin pores to blocked and builds up bacteria in your pores. To prevent this problem, you must find a product that can eliminate or control oil formation in your skin.
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Feeling stressed out$%: Take a time out and maybe you can reduce your acne problems too. When you are in stress, your body will produce certain chemicals and hormones that increase your body toxic level. This will either result in acne break outs or aggravate existing acne problems. There is no one way to cure stress. Avoid the feeling of stress by staying away or avoiding stressful encounters or situations.
What are the foods to avoid when you have acne problems$%: Food such as chocolate, oily foods and sugary foods are often thought of the main culprit. There are no clear yes or no in acne problems. These food groups are still disputed as to whether they actually cause acne problems or not.
There are huge number of acne types and multitude of possible causes of acne problems. It is extremely important that you keep your skin moisturized as previous mentioned. Regardless of your skin type. Some medications are known to aggravated acne conditions. Be sure that you know what those medications are.