
Are you ready to change your life$%: Maybe you want to begin a new career, or lose some excess pounds.

If you want to make a change you need to be sure of your motivation to help you stay committed. What is your motivation$%: Is it compelling enough to keep you strong throughout your life changing journey$%:

Take some time to really think this through. Find a few minutes to sit down without distractions and pay attention to what is in your heart. I encourage you to find a pen and some paper to take notes.

How will your life be better when you have made this change, or reached this goal$%:

Will it affect your health$%:

How will it affect you socially$%:

Will your finances be affected in a positive way$%:

How will you feel about yourself when you have reached your goal$%:

Will you feel stronger and more confident about taking on other challenges$%:

Now let's think about this in a more expansive way. You are not the only person who will be affected by your change.

How will your change benefit the people you live with$%:

Might your positive change encourage others to also change$%:

When I decided to lose weight I sat down to think about who else would be affected. Of course, my thoughts turned to my daughters and my husband. I could envision our family enjoying more activities together and having family portraits made. I knew that I would have more energy to devote to them.

My thoughts were so limited, though. I had only thought about my improved ability to do more with my immediate family. I had no idea how many other people would benefit from my weight loss. As I lost the weight my husband also changed his way of cooking and eating. When he quit eating processed flour, migraines that had been a lifelong problem for him - disappeared! After I lost the weight, both my mother and my mother-in-law have lost weight and made healthy life changes, friends and acquaintances were inspired to make their own changes. These people who know me see that I am not a digitally altered before and after image. They began to think, "If she can do it, I could do it too." I realized that my life changes were like a pebble thrown into a pond and causing ripples that continue to spread.

We are all connected and when one of us reaches a goal the number of other people who can benefit is unlimited.

Now, I want you to open your mind to the possibilities and think about the ways that others may benefit when you reach your goal.

When you have thought about all of these amazing benefits to reaching your goal, I want you to begin to really visualize it all. Get that movie rolling in your mind and truly feel what you will be feeling when your goal has been met. Enjoy that feeling. This will put the law of attraction to work for you.

I know that it can be easy to let that feeling pass and allow other things in your life to take your attention from your goal. Maintaining the energy behind your goal will take away the struggle.

I would like to suggest that you find a way to trigger that visualization and feeling on a daily basis. Maybe you make up a vision board by decorating a piece of cardboard with pictures and words that help you see your goal, and then post that board in a place where you will see it daily. You could choose to create a vision screen saver for your computer, or a vision book might allow you to keep your ideas a little more private. You might just want to jot down the idea on a sticky note or small piece of paper and keep it in your wallet or on your mirror.

If your goal is to lose weight, find a picture of yourself at the size you want to be, or a picture from a magazine of how you want to look, and keep that picture on your refrigerator or your bathroom mirror.

Keep your goal in your mind - and in sight - and focus on the joy it will bring. In the end, you will be amazed that the reality can surpass your vision.

    創作者 dergrandall 的頭像


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